Gano Cafe – Healthy Coffee Benefits

Are you looking for a healthy coffee without losing that coffee taste?  Then look no further.  Ganoderma Coffee is a truly delicious tasting coffee that is actually healthy for you.  It’s a low acid coffee and you’ll get the energy you want from coffee without the jitters or the caffeine crash.  We all know what some of  the side effects are in regular coffee:

  • caffeine crash
  • jitters
  • high blood pressure
  • hypertension
  • osteoporosis
  • weight gain



 Secret Ingredient


What we have done is infused rich-tasting fair trade, organically grown coffee beans with a Chinese herb called Ganoderma Lucidum. Ganoderma, also known as Reishi, Gano or Lingzhi, has been known to provide numerous health benefits such as:


  • Builds the Immune System
  • Oxygenates Your Body
  • Boosts Stamina
  • Provides over 150 All-Natural Antioxidants to Fight Free Radicals
  • Aids in weight loss
  • and many other benefits


Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Gano Cafe, Reishi or Lingzhi, has a 4,000 year history in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is considered to be of the highest class of tonics.  It is particularly renowned for its use in promoting longevity, supporting liver function, and is reputed to reduce hypertension.  It has been used in China as a panacea to alleviate things from everyday nuisances like the common cold or skin disorders to terminal conditions such as cancer.  In recent years the focus of research with Reishi is its apparent immuno-enhancing and anti-tumor activities.


Ganoderma is a genus of polypores which grow on wood and includes over 250 species, many from tropical regions. Because of their extensive use in traditional Asian medicines, and their potential in bioremediation, they are a very important genus economically. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double walled basidiospore.

Ganoderma are wood-decaying fungi with a cosmopolitan distribution, and can grow on both coniferous and hardwood species. They are white-rot fungi, and have enzymes have allow them to break down wood components such as lignin and cellulose. There is significant research interest in trying to harness the power of these wood-degrading enzymes for industrial applications such as biopulping or bioremediation.

Several species of Ganoderma have been used in traditional Asian medicines for thousands of years. Collectively, the Ganoderma are being investigated for a variety of potential therapeutic benefits:

Ganoderma Benefits:
anticancer effects
immunoregulatory effects
antioxidant activities
liver-protecting effects
hypoglycemic effects
antibacterial effects
antiviral effects
antifungal effects
reducing blood cholesterol
inhibiting blood vessel regeneration (angiogenesis)
antifibrotic effects
protection against radiation-induced damage
reducing lower urinary tract symptoms
increasing endurace for vigorous exercise

Ganoderma applanatum – Also known as the Artist’s conch
Ganoderma pseudoferreum – Responsible for the root rot of cacao, coffee, rubber and tea trees
Ganoderma lucidum – Also known as Reishi or Lingzhi
Ganoderma philippii – A plant pathogen
Ganoderma tsugae – A polypore which grows on conifers, especially hemlock; thus the common name, Hemlock varnish shelf. Similar in appearance to Ganoderma lucidum, which typically grows on hardwoods.


Nuvia Cafe a brand of Gano Coffee is Sumatran Arabica coffee infused with a trifecta of legendary ingredients; the extracts of 100% certified organic Pomegranate, Ganoderma, and African Mango Seed.

Pomegranate (a super antioxidant) are renown in recent clinical studies, Ganoderma (an immune enhancer), and African Mango (a healthy, natural appetite suppressant). News regarding their health benefits is the subject of wide spread media buzz. See for yourself the benefits of this amazing healthy coffee.

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